Tuesday, May 29, 2007

3rd and Last Place - Getting Dirty

Ok - so Hollow Leg and I have finished the tour. That leave Anne Lyn and the Tour Director to get through their list.

Just to level set - the Tour Director did start weeks after the rest of the team. He already took out a six-pack of beer - which we don't have confirmation he drank because he took it to a party.

Now, there is scandal. What are the rules of the tour. Drink all 100 beers - maybe just a sip - or maybe the whole bottle. However, you need to have all the beers. Inviting your friends to order off of the list and get your blanket for the beer fest is not what the team had in mind.

It didn't have to be competitive. It could just be a group of friends enjoying the beers of the world. The boys had to make it competitive. They were claiming they would 'crush' us.

Well, I did finish first - without the help of a six pack.

The Tour Director proceeded to have other's drink his beer - an not even pick up the tab. That just is plain out cheating. I think we need to add 30 additional drinks of his choice at the end of the tour just as a punishment.

Wait, could extra gin and tonics be considered a punishment?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Century

One of the definitions of a century is any group or collection of 100. Well, I have completed the Winking Lizard Century.

When I started this endeavor in late January with Anne Lyn, I thought it would be well into the autumn before this journey was completed. I tried to envision 2 beers every week for 50 weeks. If you look at it like that, how hard would it be to get through the 100 beers?

It was never hard getting through the beers. I was even lucky enough to sneak a Guinness in as final substitute.

What was hard was getting up the next morning. What was hard is getting a cab to drive you back to the Winking Lizard because you had too many Belgian beers the day before and Mr. Hollow Leg had to drive you home.

In hind site, I am thankful for the lift and that clearer heads prevailed. It probably is not the best idea to let someone who sets off the fire alarm and just shrugs about it drive home in rush hour.

I will have to say the Hollow Leg (HL) made a valiant effort to finish before me - even getting a six pack in mid-season to narrow the gap. In the end, I had prevailed. Although HL won't admit to it, I think he did the gentlemanly thing by letting me finish first. He finished the next day before our first annual corn hole tournament (a raving success).

So where does that leave us. It means that the first half of the four man relay team has crossed the line. We need to stand on the sidelines and cheer on our teammates. We need to be there to support their efforts.

Go Team Go! Let the games continue - or maybe - another round.

A Fellow Lizard

thought you might enjoy some of the chatter from my fellow tour members.

1. Who all is attending our meeting tonight? YAY!
2. Okay, so I'm admittedly a technological moron. If the band Tool doesn't have songs on iTunes, why is that? Where can I get Tool songs? I really really really really want a couple on my iPod before the run this Sunday.
3. My neighbor left my cornhole bags outside and the squirrels ate 3 of them. Stupid neighbor.
4. I love my new running shoes. My toes are actually healing.
5. WL on the patio!!!! KICK A$$!!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

And then there were 2 . . .

Last week when I went to the Winking Lizard, I had only planned on having two beers. I had the minuscule total of 9 remaining beers to finish. Much to my surprise, I only had 8 beers left to drink - happy day!

It all seems like smooth sailing. Well, the rough winds starting blowing when Anne Lyn did not come and Quality Expert was pushing the limits to catch up to me.

Looking back on where the tacking when wrong. There were two bad maneuvers. 1) I hate to be beaten by anyone and 2) I really don't want to let the trash talking Quality Expert drag his apparently hollow leg across the finish line first.

So, I had five beers. I tried to intermix the strong Belgian and other high ABV beers with some water and a 4.5 ABV. I will say the beers I did have were mighty tasty. I was trying to save my favorites for the last day.

I sailed through the five and had another later with a farewell group from my company. Fortunately, I had a cheeseburger to keep me from heeling over before I hit the road.

In other news . . .
Unfortunately, Anne Lyn had to observe the rule were Boats on a Port Tack shall give way to boats on Starboard Tack. She made it to the turn first, but Quality Expert seems to have caught the downwind and got the spinnaker out.

As for the Cruise Director, he seems to be stranded on a sandbar. He made some attempts to heave ho at an alternate location this weekend, but he is still aiming for the turnaround.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

A Round the Last Turn

No, it is not a spelling error. It is not around - it is A Round. Getting down to the last round of beer.

Well, I am into the single digits for remaining beers. Only 9 left to go in my Winking Lizard world tour. It seems just like yesterday that I was having the first few.

I think the last set of beers will be interesting. I have a couple of the 9 ABV beers left on the list, but I have purposefully left two great scotch ales on the list for my closers. I have been eagerly awaiting the McEwan's Scotch ale.

There are many times that I would look at the list and think the McEwan's would taste lovely, but it just served as an incentive to get to the finish line. One more stop at pit row, then onto the checkered flag!