Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Drunk as a Monk

In Belgium, Trappist Monks have a long tradition of brewing beer. Not just any beer - some of the best beers in the world.

As part of our World Tour, there is a mini tour of the Belgian Beers. Specifically, Achel, Chimay, Koningshoeven, Orval, Rochefort and Westmalle. What do you get for finising the mini tour (that only costs $1)? You get a lovely glass.

Well, the real answer to that question - drunk. The amount of alcohol is these beers is dangerous. (psst, abv = alcohol by volume)
  • Achel - 8 abv
  • Chimay - 9 abv
  • Koningshoeven Quadrupel - 10 abv (the strongest on the tour)
  • Orval - 6.2 abv
  • Rochefort - 9.2 abv
  • Westmalle Tripel - 9.2 abv

Big deal you say, consider that Miller Lite about 4.2 abv and you generally drink it in 12 oz bottles.

In my valiant attempt to make my way around this mini tour, I managed to have two beers at the end of the evening. Well, I didn't have a prayer against these heavy hitters.

Yes, I said prayer. No wonder the monks don't speak at the monastary or speak in tougues. I was able to replicate that experience. Have no fear, I didn't drive home.

Me, I have never seen a skunk drunk, but I have a sneaking suspicion, there have been a couple of monks in Belgium in that condition.

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