Friday, March 23, 2007

Holy Buckeye, Batman!

Do you remember watching Batman and Robin when you were a kid? Batman, Robin or one of their associates would get themselves into a completely ridiculous situation. You would be sitting in front of the TV thinking, they will never get themselves out!

Magically, in the last 5 to 10 minutes of the show, all the right maneuvers would magically fall into place, and - Kapow - they would win the day.

I think Ohio State's basketball must have taken a page from the Batman and Robin playbook last night. Like the past few games, Ohio State lets a huge gap open between their opponents, and then they manage to come back in the final minutes to edge out a point to win.

So maybe you are asking, what do the Buckeyes have to do with the WLWTOB? First, we had our team meeting during the game last night. Beside the Buckeyes unreal victory, I received my halfway blanket. The first member of the team to get there - with a gap of about 10 beers.

It's half time, I am 10 points ahead. I am WORRIED.

Not only are my teammates Buckeye fans, they drink like the Buckeyes. They won't have a beer for a week, then - kapow - 8 in one night or 4 in one sitting. I can't rest on my laurels, they are gunning for me.

Just like OSU, I managed to be victorious and get to the halfway point of the tour(ney), but just like the NCAA tournament, the real action is coming.

Bring it on, baby! I am running out of the locker room after half time, sprinting to the middle of the court, bringing my fists to my sides and screaming "Yeah" til my face is more red the OSU uniforms. Bring it on!

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